marți, 9 martie 2010

The factory of talented people

               Everything has a beginning.The alphabet begins with the A,B,C.The numbers with one,two ,three.Music begins with do-re-mi and our knowledge begins with the school lessons.That’s why the lyceum “Mihail Sadoveanu” from Hincesti represents a big chapter of my life’s book.So,I decided to enter this kingdom of fairy-tales dominated by wisdom,peace and harmony.In this holy place the angels are dancing among the clouds,the sun is shining brightly,and the colourful rainbow is rising in the children’s hearts ,only here miracles really happen.To my mind,the life in our high-school is like a labyrinth and the keys with which we open the wisdom’s doors are the teachers’ enthusiasm ,the students’ successes and cooperation between them.It is like playing a violin .It needs to be practiced daily.
  From my point of view,the high-school “Mihail Sadoveanu” is the gate that gives thousands of students the possibility to enter the wonderful and thrilling world of knowledge,new information,where Einstein ,Eminescu ,Caragiale ,Austen ,and Sadoveanu dominate.Our way is lighted by the wise counsellors :mrs Tonu Valentina , Ciubotaru Svetlana ,Ciubotari Elena and others,who are always ready to give a hand of help or a piece of advice . Mihai Eminescu mentioned “A distinctive feature of a good school is to make the student learn more than he is taught,even more than the teacher himself knows”,these wise words guide my professors day by day,hour by hour,second by second.Like white candles in a holy place,my qualified teachers are endowed with the ability to keep order,love for children,and knowledge of the subjects.Only a good and experienced counsellor can make even a boring object interesting and lovely,can make pupils laugh on their own mistakes,and can improve their attitude to lessons,and maintain discipline in class.These are the things that children need to fortify their souls.I am so lucky that I am taught of such wise persons.
  So,let’s open the second door of our labyrinth,which is the success of our students.As far as I know,our qualified teachers do their best to plant a seed of wisdom and education in the pupils’ souls.As a result they pick the sweet fruits of their work,a lot of children from our high-school have taken only first,second and third places on regional and republican olympiad.I can mention ,Tonu Timofei,Bunduche Inga ,Lutica Nicolae ,Busuioc Vasile and others.It seems to me ,knowledge is a ball of light in a man’s hand.So,the smart students from the lyceum “Mihail Sadoveanu” believed in their power,followed their own star and won a lot of contests,for example Tofilat Violeta,Tonu Romina and Cojocaru Olga had the possibility to spend a year in U.S.A.They set great goals and don’t let the weeds grow around them,because “The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it ,unswervingly”.That’s why I consider our school a factory of talented people.
  To crown it all,the lyceum “Mihail Sadoveanu” is just a mirror and what you see out there you must first see inside of teachers’ and pupils’ hearts.I am proud that I am studying in this institution where I am taught to become a real personality.

2 comentarii:

  1. Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

    - David

  2. I don't understand your point of view.Why do you think it is odd?



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